Monday, October 4, 2010

Decrease the Complications related with Cell Phone use

Lots have been said about the effects of cell phone overuse. Radiation emitted by mobile units can truly threaten one’s well-being and though others may not give great attention to such occurrence it would make a difference to make ways for one to come up with ways to be spared of the ill effects of cell phone use.


Whether one is using cheap GSM phones or not, there are some tips that can be useful in making cheap unlocked GSM phones more valuable.

·         Use headsets or set your phone to speaker mode every time you have to make a call to reduce the risk brought about by using cell phones directly.

·         Have more reasons to text. Texting doesn’t only spare you from expensive phone bills but it is also a way for radiation exposure to be minimized.

·         Value the use of protective phone covers so that each time you use your cell phone, the radiation is driven away from your face.

·         Avoid using your mobile unit on areas with no or little coverage because this will only be a reason for your cell phone to emit more radiation to compensate for the signal loss.

·         Check the phone’s SAR rating. It wouldn’t be that hard to do this just check on the web the details about your cheap GSM phone. The higher the SAR rating, the higher radiation it emits.

Cell phones have become parts of our everyday lives. Embrace the benefits that it give but make sure to be aware of the ill-effects that one can possibly get from its use to avoid cell phone related complications.

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