Friday, September 17, 2010

The Problems with Cell Phone Use in School

Cell phones have turned out to become a necessity for some people. There are people who find it really hard to tackle each and every day if they fail to bring their cell phones with them. Some busy parents even make it a point to let their children bring unlocked phones to school for easy contact.

Unlocked GSM mobiles may really have its advantages. With it a person can be reached easily and it allows people to stay updated on different things. However the idea of allowing cell phone use at school may mean dealing with some underlying problems like the following:
·         Cell phones may become a great distraction on the usual school works.
·         Cell phones can be used as a tool for cheating on exams.
·         Cell phones may be a reason for the younger ones to be exposed on scandals or obscene photographs.
No matter how important cheap GSM phones may be, it would still be necessary to put things in its right order. The school requires a child’s concentration and if a cell phone would just cause distraction, then it should be taken away from the bag filled with school supplies.
Cell phones have already become a daily part of many people’s lives and it has advantages that can put greater value on its use. Consider using cell phones properly and for sure you’ll avoid the most common problems related with it.

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